Health & Wellness, Self Improvement, Weight Loss

5 Valuable Lessons I Learned from Losing Over 100 Pounds…Twice

Shannon Benedetto
8 min readMay 28, 2021

These health journeys finally taught me how to accept myself — at any size.

My 2nd Weight Loss after having my Daughter in 2017

A Quick Background

At my largest, I was around 300 pounds, possibly more; I stopped weighing myself at a certain point. All I knew was that I had to lose this weight, not because I hated the way I looked (even though I did), but because I couldn’t get up off the couch without excruciating pain shooting through my legs. I was 25. I knew that if I continued down this path, I’d be wheelchair-bound by my fifties.

Since I did not want to live my life that way, I began taking steps to create a healthier lifestyle. My first time around, it was geared entirely towards losing weight and building muscle. That’s precisely what I did.

Over three years, I lost 130 pounds (bringing me down to around 155). I studied and became a personal trainer. I wanted to help others achieve what I did. A goal that I had previously assumed was impossible.

The second weight loss was after my pregnancy. I had gained around 95 pounds, but I also half expected to have a 70-pound baby. Low and behold, when she was born, she was a healthy 7lb and few ounces, but momma was about 85…



Shannon Benedetto

Im Shannon, I'm an intuitive tarot reader. My intent is to provide comfort and guidance to empower you to reclaim your life.