Don’t Compare Your Children to Others

A 39 Year-Old’s Realization of How Deeply Comparison can Harm Us

Shannon Benedetto
4 min readJan 7, 2023
My childhood as a social outcast
My Childhood — by Author

When I grew up, my parents split when I was 7.

Dad worked multiple jobs, mom moved to Delaware to start a new family and took my younger sister with me.

But not to worry!!

I was switching schools and LUCKY ME my cousin (who had been born and raised in this very, very small town) just happened to be one of the “most popular girls” in school.

The summer before sixth grade, I did my best to fit in.

I rode bikes with her and her friends. I ignored the comments about how I was “weird,” which apparently is an endearing way young children say “their life is different than mine, and that scares me.”

That summer passed, and you’d think that the effort of the adults to force me, a square block, into this round hole of “popularity” and “fitting in,” would have been successful.

Hell, they worked HARD for three months to make me question less, accept more, and ultimately just fall in line.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t my thing.

School started.

I knew no one.



Shannon Benedetto

Im Shannon, I'm an intuitive tarot reader. My intent is to provide comfort and guidance to empower you to reclaim your life.